Tuesday 10 August 2010

Nadav Kander

He is my favourite photographer of all time I cannot recomend looking at his work enough, he changed the way I thought about photography when I first saw his chernobyl, half-life set

theres allot more to this set I just didnt want to bombard my blog, more of these can be found under work and chernobly, half-life


he has been doing allot of famous photographs more recently, he taken portrate pictures of the whole obama team and has taken pictures of allot of famous actors and musicians

but the reason I love his work is mainly for his scenic pictures, they have a very eerie and ghostly feel to them but at the same time aren't creepy, they just feel like there from a dream

I just love his work and it inspires me to become a better photographer


  1. i love the top photo of the school ^_^ looks like the school in silent hill :D

  2. you should see the full set, posters on the wall of what to do if theres a nuke attack, bet they didnt see the power plant accident coming. Its really creepy and i wanna go there, saw a documenty on people that still live there and its just empty
