Thursday 31 March 2011


If anyone needs some inspiration give this VIDEO a watch hopefully it will inspire you as it did me.

Growing up

I seem to be growing up when it comes to doing work and designing, I used to think my ideas were original but there are no original ideas any more.

"That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun."

I use to look at other peoples work and think that they were rip off of things that I saw in a magazine or on a design blog, I used to think they were so cheeky for trying to get away with it and that I knew what they did and I wanted to go up to them and just say "oh, I saw that in this magazine" even thou it was just the same style but not the same work.

It seems recently there has been a huge surge in graphic designers and creative people
I still see the odd few that are just following trends and going with what’s good, and that’s what I used to do, but most graphic designers are creative enough to be able to do anything and create anything, if you were to put a piece of work in front of most of them and ask how the designer made it most of them could tell you, doing graphics for 6 years now I’ve got to the point where I know I need to pick my strong point and stop dipping my toe in every area of graphics, I am not saying its a bad thing thou because in doing so I have learnt thousands of ways to do anything I want and if I have a idea in my head it makes it easier to process my ideas and how I can come about creating my ideas.

It just feels like I need a strong point, something I specialise in, something I can be noticed for because in today’s world allot of designers are alike and they all blend into each other, its kinda hard to have a style when your a graphic designer compared to a illustrator, although they have the same problems. So now I am trying to concentrate on something I can be good at something that someone can come to me about knowing that I am the person to see about that subject.

Monday 7 March 2011

Manchester visit (Shepard Fairey)

Shepard Fairey is a well known street artist, most recently know for his Obama posters:

I have been going to Manchester since I was about 15 and ive always noticed the ever changing art there, when I was doing one of my last projects at uni, selecting a city and celebrating it, thats why I chose to do Manchester.
After I was walking around places I normally go and went down a street I haven't before I found a Shepard Fairey piece on a wall of a shop, I love his work and wanted to know how long it has been there for. I found out it has been there for about 4-5 years and this is some photos I found and photos I took of the piece.

I hate how most of the art in Manchester is being taken down / destroyed, yet they found a Banksy piece behind a bush and have stuck a plastic shield around it to protect it even though it is half faded and you cant tell what it is, but work like Shepard Fairey's is being left to be destroyed and covered up.


Ive not really been concentrating on work recently or anything for that matter, I lost motivation to do work and was on the verge of giving up.

I spoke to a good friend of mine and they have gave me some inspiration and new motivation on working and the way I look at things, going to be a fresh start, abit too late to do it really but I think I can make something out of what ive got.

going to start with uploading bits and bobs and making my blog more up to date and keep on top of everything.